Money is merely a means. The ends for which money is used are really all that count. Despite this, fundraising – even just the thought of fundraising – causes in so many so much angst.
When ADAC is invited in, we help our clients to envision how they can move themselves and their supporters beyond this existential angst and into what the raising of money is really all about: stewardship. Through stewardship, fundraising becomes both an art and a passion that become demystified and revered.
The work of developing strategic plans, conducting development audits and feasibility studies, and carrying out campaign plans is what ADAC does with and on behalf of its clients. Hard work? Yes. Joyous work? Absolutely. Making the much-dreaded “ask”? With the precision that ADAC provides, natural and easy.
Because, in the end, “natural” and “easy” are stewardship, and – when it comes to fundraising well – stewarding and being stewarded well are firmly part of the “all” that counts.
Development Audits
Cases for Support
Annual Fund, Direct Mail, & Grants
Campaign Feasibility Studies
Campaign Plans & Counsel
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For over 25 years, organizations have been inviting us in to offer our expertise. We listen. We care. We customize.