Annual Fund, Direct Mail, & Grants

ADAC takes a look at how you raise money throughout the year to keep your operation going and growing.

We work with you to:

  • Critically review how each dollar raised could go even further
  • Assess the scope and content of your direct mail to ensure that it is donor-focused, on-message, tightly written, integrated well with your website and social media, well-timed, and well-sent
  • Evaluate how your annual fund, in general, and direct mail, in particular, could be enhanced to build and steward relationships and elicit major gifts
  • Manage your overall grant-application process, including the proactive identification of grant opportunities and the writing of rightly-targeted grant proposals
  • As applicable, determine how your annual fund, direct mail, and grant application efforts should be strategically utilized and positioned before, during, and/or after a major campaign

You keep going by providing your services, maintaining your programs, managing your volunteers, budgeting for utilities, and paying your dedicated staff. You keep growing by continuing to do even more of what you do best.

Through your annual fund, direct mail, and grant acquisitions, this going and growing are propelled ever-forward. The money you raise – and the support you accrue – each and every day enable you to do what you do each and every day. Momentum is maintained. Lethargy is foiled. Relationships are established and maintained so that they can grow.

For more information about this service,
Meet the members of our Annual Fund, Direct Mail, & Grants Group
Tom Olson

Tom Olson

Chief Executive Officer

Shaun Riedel

Shaun Riedel

Strategic Communications & Board Development

Sarah Heaton

Sarah Heaton

Marketing, Recruitment, & Development

Jeff Groves

Jeff Groves

Creative Direction & Brand Development

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