Jodee Blanco

Jodee Blanco


Considered a pioneer of the anti-bullying movement with her seminal New York Times bestselling memoir, Please Stop Laughing at Me…., bullying survivor, expert, and speaker Jodee Blanco is one of the most trusted authorities on bullying in the American school system. Prior to dedicating herself to the anti-bullying movement, Jodee owned an international PR firm that specialized in handling challenging clients that other firms could not help. Her success turning around fraught situations has earned her the respect of school boards and administrators, national educational entities, corporate CEOs, and government leaders. Used regularly as a resource on bullying related issues, Jodee has been featured in USA Today and on CBS Evening News, CNN, and Fox News, among many other outlets. Jodee has taught at the University of Chicago and her alma mater New York University, from where she received a bachelor’s degree.

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