ADAC takes a look at your case-for-support.
We work with you to:
- Enhance – as may be immediately helpful or necessary – your case by customizing it to reflect the experiences and aspirations of your current stakeholders
- Systematize and make consistent in your internal and external communications – including your website, social media, and direct mail – your case’s current uses
- Refine your case to become the documentary basis for future development efforts, including campaigns
- Re-create your case into eventually becoming a veritable work of literary art that, as a campaign brochure, etc., will inspire the future for which you hope today
Its logic. Its allure. Then, we ask, but more importantly, help you and your team to create in your own minds and hearts – and then upon the written page – a case-for-support that will arouse the affects and intellects of everyone else who may happen upon it.
A document that is foundational to your organization’s development, your case-for-support presents to the rest of the world the why and the wherefore of your organization’s existence, its story, and the stories of those whom your organization is served by and serves. Most importantly, your case-for-support presents the why and the wherefore of the place tomorrow that is the locational object of the greatest hope of your organization’s mission today.